Cruelty-Free Sunscreen Indoors: Finding The Best Ethical Option for Your Skin

Think you only need sunscreen when outside? That harmful rays from the sun cannot damage your skin indoors, think again! UV doors cannot stop at your doorstep and wait for you to come outside, only then can it cause you damage. UV rays can sneak through your windows, bounce off surfaces, and even come from the screen. Every second without sunscreen is silently aging your skin. Avoiding sunscreen indoors can lead to uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and even long-term skin damage. You don't want that kind of damage to your skin, do you? If not then keep on reading as in this article we will uncover the benefits of using sunscreen indoors, why it is a big mistake to not use it inside your home, and how to protect your skin effectively. What Does Cruelty-Free Sunscreen Mean? Cruelty-free sunscreen is made without testing on animals at any stage of production. This means ingredients, formulas, and final products have not been tested on animals. Many ethica...